Seagate Unveils the World’s First NVMe Hard Drive Demo

28 November 2021 12:00 Technologies

Seagate has long reigned supreme when it comes to storage solutions for personal computers. Whether it’s a workstation, an office computer, a gaming rig, or just a regular old laptop, Seagate solid-state drives and hard disk drives have been there for your PCs! Now, Seagate is introducing the idea of the industry’s very first native NVMe hard disk drive. So, why are they doing this when solid state drives seem to be the future? Well, solid-state drives are much more expensive than hard disk drives, so providing users with the option of controllers that are integrated between their solid-state drives and their hard disk drives will be a game changer. It will provide users with a seamless consolidated NVMe interface across their storage solutions!


Seagate will be the first to integrate native NVMe hard disk drive storage devices, ensuring that the compatibility and the transfer of data between optimized access ports will be much more streamlined with the storage solutions. These hard disk drives will save a huge amount of energy for users and will basically change how fast hard disk drives have performed so far. A much larger gap in overall performances means hard disk drives will finally perform much better than they did previously, and they will collaborate better with solid state drives.

The Seagate Exos native NVMe hard disk drive will include the following advantages due to its technology:

Advantages through TCO

A large reduction in component count

Much more simplified SAS/SATA drivers for proprietary stack eliminating

Multi-actuator HDDs now get native support

High-volume connections for SAS and SATA

The APIs via Redfish™ bring common management for the ease of developers

The tech had its very first demo at the OCP Experience Center. This summit’s main purpose was to show the functionality of the NVMe hard disk drives as a concept. The JBOD enclosure demonstration included Seagate partnering with some the highly popular industry leaders to develop a “2U 12-bay JBOD” body case, which comes with a PCIe port and provides fabric connection systems with regular hard drives as well as solid state drives! Seagate finally utilizing the NVMe technology will allow the hard disk drives to fully utilize the potential power of the advanced features and interface options that come with NVMe. It will also provide a much more simplified storage solution architecture.

The OCP is working with Seagate and, together, they are making this concept a full-blown reality that will transform the way storage solutions work for PC users. Their technological advancement is poised to be used in the industry for a long time moving forward, just as hard disk drives had been for decades before the solid-state drives finally took over. NVMe storage solutions will have a much more focused usage system with the capability to use the latest architectures and advances within the industry from the get-go. They will also have access to a much wider range of OSSM APIs and tools that utilize Redfish™! In summary, NVMe hard disk drives are here, and they are definitely going to shake things up in the tech world!

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